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I really like this zombie, and the scab. Would you be interested in commissions? I'm working on a first person RPG but I am really struggling to make cool monsters but these are great.

Im Thinking About Using It For My Game But Before i Download It Just To Ask If ITs Ok 

Yeah definitely!  License is to do whatever you want with it as long as I'm credited!  Have fun!


Your license url no longer works. What is this cco?

Hey, you can use it however you like but the only limitation is that you have to credit me!

Thanks, i wanted to use your Scab creature in a game but says not for use in paid games.

(1 edit)

Hey - check it out again, ive left the updated license for the scab as a comment - You can use it however you like as long as I'm credited!

Cool brother. Thanks i will use him in a game and credit you then.

I used this as one of the zombies in my game called “The Bunker” on steam! >

Hey that's awesome!  Thanks for letting me know - I'll have to check it out!

game looks great!


I love this dude

Glad you like it!

very retro good

bro you really did a great job thanks i will use this on my godot project.

btw it is hard to export gltf and make animation 3d for godot 

which software did you use to make this model? i will use that software to make 3d models too!


I use Blender!

Cool Zombie dude

Thanks!  I'm working on a version 2 at the moment...